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Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators, Inc. (HERO) is an Amateur Radio club located on the island of Oahu, but we are unlike other radio clubs here in that we accept members who use all forms of radios to communicate with. We are a group of patriotic, freedom-minded, preparedness-oriented radio operators that are dedicated to the safety, protection, and welfare of our families and community.
"We serve our community, not agencies"
We do not limit our radio communications equipment to only Amateur Radios (ham radios). We believe that other forms of radio equipment such as CB, FRS, GMRS, MURS, Marine, and others can all be used effectively in conjunction with Amateur Radio to create an effective communications plan and all can be used in an emergency situation or disaster recovery. Our Emergency Communications training is geared specifically toward the preparedness community.
We are able to provide a publicly accessible Emergency WiFi System at disaster shelters to allow the public to send emergency email messages to family and friends outside of the disaster area. Even when your electricity, landline telephone, cell towers, and internet services are down, we can still get your emergency message sent.
For more information about what makes us different, visit the About Us page or visit the Activities page to see some of the many things our members like to take part in. You can also read some of our Blog entries. Our Constitution & Charter lays out exactly WHO we are as a club while our By-Laws describe how we conduct ourselves as a club. You can also see our Privacy Policy and our Terms & Conditions to see that we care about your privacy.
We operate the KH6ERO Weather Station here at our office in Aiea, Hawaii whose data is shared with the National Weather Service, Weather Underground, and several others. The most recent data from our Weather Station sensors is available 24/7 right here on our website. With the KH6ERO Weather Station PTZ Camera ( point, tilt, zoom ) and its impressive 20X magnification capabilities, we are able to zoom in on Pearl Harbor to monitor any possible damage in the event of a tsunami, from over 2 miles away.

The red and white tower on the left side of this image is the Ford Island Control Tower, made famous in the 2001 blockbuster movie "Pearl Harbor" with Ben Affleck, Alec Baldwin, and Cuba Gooding Jr. depicting how the island of Oahu was attacked by Japanese Navy carrier-borne fighters and dive bombers on December 7, 1941. This tower is exactly 3.12 miles away from the KH6ERO Weather Station. This is the original tower and you can still see the bullet holes on it today left by the Japanese aircraft during the unprovoked early morning attack 81 years ago.
We also have a Mobile Weather Station that has been installed on our our 2012 Ford Econoline E250 Super Duty 3/4-ton Emergency Communications Van that can be deployed to a disaster area or evacuation shelter to get accurate up-to-the-minute weather readings after a disaster or other emergency situation. It can also be deployed during a Skywarn activation to assist in tracking storms as they cross the island.

We will also be installing a second PTZ camera on the roof of the Mobile Weather Station so that we can monitor and video record the affects of storms as they cross the island.
To keep you better informed of what to do in an emergency, we have an Oahu Hurricane Shelter List as well as an interactive Oahu Hurricane Shelter Map which indicates which shelters have been opened and which are closed. We also have an interactive Tsunami Evacuation Zone Map for the island of Oahu here on our website.
In addition to the terrestrial weather that we track each day from our KH6ERO Weather Station, we also track and monitor Space Weather that can affect our terrestrial weather here on Earth as well as satellite and radio communications. We have also published long-range space weather prediction data from NASA to help us predict future space weather before it affects us.
We are in the process of setting up a system of Club Repeaters on Oahu, with our first already active. Our Membership Meetings, Amateur Radio Exam Sessions, and other events can be found on our Calendar. We offer several different levels of Membership, including levels for radio operators and non-radio operators. We have members on Oahu as well as in other states. You can view our Member Statistics to learn more about our members. Our members are able to visit our private Member Store to purchase club related items which are not available to the public.
Our accredited Volunteer Examiners are able to offer Amateur Radio examinations for Technician, General, and Amateur Extra class licenses. We offer IN-PERSON Amateur Radio license exam sessions every month as well as Online/Remote Amateur Radio exam sessions. We are the ONLY Amateur Radio club in the entire State of Hawaii currently offering in-person Amateur Radio exams. We schedule in-person exam sessions monthly and offer online exam sessions as needed. Click here for the schedule of Amateur Radio License Exam Sessions. We have also implemented a completely paperless in-person license exam session. For those with visual impairments, we have written exams available that are printed with extra large typeset that contain no diagrams to accommodate your testing needs.
We also offer license classes for Technician, General, and Amateur Extra class Amateur Radio licenses taught by ARRL Registered License Instructors. Have you ever wondered, "What is Morse Code"? For those interested in learning CW (morse code) we also have several resources available including the entire K7QO Morse Code Course. We have included the entire Amateur Radio Exam Question Pool for you to use to study for your exam as well as a handy US Band Plan Chart.
We also have a Certified FCC Commercial Operator License Examination Proctor on staff and are able to offer FCC Commercial Radio License Examinations for the Radiotelegraph Operator License, General Radiotelephone Operator License, Marine Radio Operator Permit, GMDSS Radio Operator's License, Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator's License, GMDSS Radio Maintainer's License, and the Ship Radar Endorsement. We also offer the entire Commercial Radio License Question Pool for you to study with for your exam.
Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators, Inc. is a non-profit organization registered in the state of Hawaii. The Internal Revenue Service has determined us to be tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) for federal and state income tax and a public charity under Section 509(a)(2). Donors can deduct contributions they make to HERO under IRC Section 170. We are also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522. Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators, Inc, is listed in the Internal Revenue Service PUB 78 database of tax-exempt organizations.
We are registered with the Hawaii Attorney General as a public charity operating within the state of Hawaii for fundraising and have been added to their publicly accessible database of Hawaii charities.
Donations of money or goods, and yearly membership dues to Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators are considered tax-deductible charitable contributions.
Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators, Inc., has earned the 2022 Silver Seal of Transparency from Candid / GuideStar.
We track both space weather, as well as terrestrial weather here on Earth that may affect our islands, as well as any other potential threats and post updated Watches, Warnings, and Alerts to keep you informed.
Click to see the KH6ERO Weather Cam
Alert Type | Alert Level |
Oahu Weather Alerts | NO ALERTS |
Hawaii Tsunami Alerts | NO ALERTS |
Maile Amber Alerts | NO ALERTS |
Today's KBDI | 688 |
Average KBDI For This Date | 595 |
641-800: Extreme
481-640: Very High
321-480: High
161-320: Moderate
0-160: Low

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Volcano | Alert Level |
Updated: 27 OCT 2023 06:30 HST
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Diamond Head





Mauna Kea
Big Island

Mauna Loa
Big Island

Big Island

Keywords: amateur radio, emergency communications, EmComms, Hawaii, Oahu, weather