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Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators conducts weekly radio Nets which are open to all licensed Amateur Radio operators on various bands and modes to allow our members multiple opportunities to test their radio equipment and familiarize themselves with using the various modes. All of our Nets are directed, and all traffic must go through the Net Control Station (NCS).


The NCS will start off the net by calling a roll call of HERO members, afterwards they will open up the net for any non-members wishing to check in.


All of our Club Nets will be recorded in our Club Net Statistics.

Weekly HERO VHF/UHF Net   - Sunday Evenings at 1800 HST on the linked DEM & EMA repeaters throughout the island of Oahu.


This is a voice Net where message traffic may be passed

Waikiki Area:

146.880 MHz. Diamond Head Repeater

PL Tone 88.5


Downtown Area:

146.980 MHz. Frank Fasi Municipal Building Repeater

PL Tone 88.5


Leeward Oahu:

146.860 MHz. Mauna Kapu Repeater

PL Tone 88.5


North Shore Oahu:

146.760 MHz. Peacock Flats Repeater

No PL Tone

146.900 MHz. Kahuku Repeater

PL Tone 88.5


Windward Oahu:

146.680 MHz. Waimanalo Repeater

PL Tone 88.5

Weekly HERO 2 Meter SSB Net    -  Coming Soon -


This is a voice Net where message traffic may be passed

Weekly HERO VHF Simplex Net    -  Coming Soon -


This is a voice Net where message traffic may be passed

Weekly HERO HF Net    -  Coming Soon - Tentatively scheduled for Sunday Evenings at 1900 HST on 7.188 MHz LSB.


This is a voice Net where message traffic may be passed


Weekly HERO Winlink Net    -  Coming Soon -


This is a Digital Net using Winlink.

Weekly HERO JS8CALL Digi Net    -  Coming Soon -


This is a Digital Net using JS8CALL.


Weekly HERO DMR Net    -  Coming Soon


This is a digital voice Net where message traffic may be passed

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