Membership in Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators (HERO) is open to any like-minded, freedom loving, patriotic, preparedness-oriented persons wishing to join a group of people with similar beliefs and interests. We have different membership levels, depending on your location and radio communication abilities.
Our membership is open to radio operators, and non radio operators, both inside and outside of Hawaii. Memberships with HERO run from January 1st through December 31st of each year. Our annual membership dues are tax deductible charitable contributions. We also offer a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP option that never expires.
Applications for membership are submitted to the Board of Directors at regular meetings for consideration and approval. We reserve the right to decline membership to anyone the Board of Directors deems to not represent the goals and mission of this organization
JOIN US, AND BE A HERO. Click to complete and submit a MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION.
If you are wishing to join after the first of the year, CLICK HERE for a Prorated Membership Schedule.
Please Contact Us with any questions about membership.

Diamond level membership is open to licensed Amateur Radio operators living in Hawaii who support the goals and mission of the club. Diamond membership includes all club privileges as well as right to hold a club office. Diamond members are full voting members.
Membership Dues:
$30 per year.

Platinum level membership is open to All Licensed Amateur Radio Operators who support the goals and mission of the club without residence restrictions. Platinum membership includes all club privileges. Platinum level members are full voting members, but can not hold club offices other than elected Director as they are not here to perform the duties of the office.
Membership Dues:
$30 per year.

Gold level membership is open to all radio operators living in Hawaii and those actively engaged in a class leading to an Amateur Radio license. Gold membership includes all club privileges except for the right to hold office and cast a vote in elections. They are allowed to vote on other items. (This level includes CB, FRS, GMRS, MURS, etc.)
Membership Dues:
$20 per year.

Silver level membership is open to anyone who is not a radio operator living in Hawaii who supports the goals and mission of the club. Silver members are non-voting members and can not hold club office.
Membership Dues:
$15 per year.

Bronze level membership is a discounted membership open to any family member of a Diamond, Platinum, or Gold member living in the same household. Bronze members are non-voting members and can not hold club office.
Membership Dues:
$10 per year.

Copper level membership is open to anyone living outside of Hawaii who supports the goals and mission of the club. Copper members are non-voting members and can not hold club office.
Membership Dues:
$10 per year.

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP with HERO eliminates annual membership renewals and insures against future membership dues increases. Support HERO and receive membership benefits for life!
Lifetime Membership is an option available at any membership level listed above.
Why choose Lifetime Membership?
Receive Special Life Member Badge & ID Card.
Never worry about dues increases again.
Never worry about annual membership dues.
Never worry about lapsed membership.
Receive any future member benefit added to the membership level selected.
Lifetime Membership Dues:
10X normal annual dues.
Diamond Lifetime: $300.00
Platinum Lifetime: $300.00
Gold Lifetime: $200.00
Silver Lifetime: $150.00
Bronze Lifetime: $100.00
Copper Lifetime: $100.00