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In addition to our popular completely paperless in-person exam sessions, we also offer the flexibility of online/remote exam sessions.

Not everyone has the time available to drive to an exam session, and if you are on an outer island, or are located on the mainland or in another country, flying to Oahu to take your exam can be extremely prohibitive. For this reason we now offer online/remote examination sessions for the FCC Amateur Radio licenses.

Cost to take your exam


The cost for a remote examination session is $12.00.  You may take multiple examinations at your scheduled session as the fee is a “session” fee and not an exam fee (go “zero” to “hero” by passing all three exams!). This fee is paid to Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators. However, if you fail your exam and want to retake it, you will be required to pay a second exam session fee.

If you pass your examination you will then be required to pay a $35 FCC license application fee.  This $35 fee is paid directly to the FCC.  Check this page to learn more about the FCC fee.

NOTE: There are no refunds for remote examinations.  NO EXCEPTIONS

Can you take more than one exam?


Yes, you may take all 3 license exams (Technician, General, and Extra) at any one sitting.  However, we ask that you be prepared…..that means you will have taken plenty of practice exams and are pretty certain you will indeed pass.  Don’t ask to take an additional exam if you haven’t done so.  Our experience is that you will have wasted your time as well as our volunteer examiners’ time.  You should inform our team before the day of your exam of your intentions to take multiple exams to be sure that all of the volunteer examiners are able to be present for an extended session and that we do not already have another exam session scheduled right after yours.



Online/Remote examination sessions can be conducted in two different ways. Fully Remote Exams, and Proctored Remote Exams.


Option 1 - Fully  Remote Exams  (RECOMMENDED)

Fully remote exams shall be available for those who have the technical knowledge to setup an environment that optimizes a required configuration. To be eligible for a fully remote examination, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • A reliable internet connection, suitable to adequately run two video feeds and one audio feed.

  • One computer with a modern web browser with a web camera that allows us to view the Examinee’s head, face, and shoulders clearly, for the duration of the examination.  This same computer must have a microphone that allows the VE team to hear all sounds within the testing environment.  iPads will NOT work for this purpose!

  • Another computer with a web camera, a smartphone with a web camera, iPad, or similar device.  A 2nd camera on your primary computer will NOT work for this purpose!  This camera must be positioned in such a way to allow the VE team to see the examinee’s hands, workspace, work (on scratch paper and/or calculator), and the computer monitor that is being used to display the examination.  See the image here for an example of ideal camera placement.

  • A current installation of Zoom.  We will not accept other video conferencing applications.

  • A quiet room to complete the exam, free from distractions or interruptions.  The Examinee MUST be the only person in the room during the exam.  No one is permitted to enter the room or speak to you while the examination is in progress. 

  • You may use a calculator, but NOT the calculator on your telephone or computer.

  • You may use 1 sheet of scratch paper. 

Ideal 2nd camera placement

Ideal second camera placement

Important Information on Fully Remote Exams


Before scheduling an examination session, we want to make sure the applicant understands and is capable to actually configure their camera to meet our specifications.  The applicant MUST have a minimum of two cameras.  One must allow their head, face and shoulders to be in plain sight and the second must be viewing their work area, the screen/monitor displaying the examination, and their hands.

If we are not satisfied with the configuration on exam day, or if unable to configure two cameras to meet our requirements, we will instruct the applicant to find an eligible proctor.  Applicants have the option to request a proctored examination when they apply. More information on our proctor requirements is below under “Option 2”.

Process Overview on Fully Remote Exams


  • Examinee must be at a table/desk with their computer.  Only one display/monitor can be connected during the examination.

  • The Examinee must be alone in the room for the duration of the examination.

  • The Examinee may not leave the room until their examination is complete.

  • Once connected to the video conference, the Examinee will be asked to swing their second camera around the entire room (360 degrees), show the floor in the vicinity of their testing area, and show the ceiling above the examination area.  This will be done before moving forward.

  • The Examinee will be asked to present valid U.S. government-issued photo identification (may be issued by the U.S. federal government, state, territory, recognized tribal entity, etc.).

  • The Examinee will be given a URL on exam day to access the exam platform online.

  • The Examinee may not wear a cap, smartwatch, ear buds, or headphones during the session.

  • If the Examinee is using a calculator, they must clear the memory and show the VE team the keystrokes on camera.  The VE team must be satisfied this requirement has been met or the calculator may not be used.

  • The Examinee may use a sheet of scratch paper during the exam.  It must be presented to the VE team prior to the examination (both sides).

  • During the examination, both cameras must clearly show the Examinee’s head and shoulders, monitor/laptop screen, work area, hands, keyboard and mouse at all times.

  • Just before the examination starts, the VE team will instruct the examinee to remain in full view of both cameras for the duration of the examination.  The examination can not be voluntarily stopped and restarted.

  • The VE team will ensure the Examinee understands if they are found to be looking around at another part of their room and away from their workspace, the examination will be immediately terminated and rendered void.


Option 2 – Remote Exam with an approved Proctor (ONLY RECOMMENDED IF YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT USE OPTION 1)

Hardware and Technology Requirements – Proctored Examinations


EXAMINEES need a computer with an internet connection, web browser, web camera, and microphone (laptops are best).  No ipads, tablets, or smartphones.  You must be prepared to receive an e-mail at test time.  You may use a simple calculator, but NOT the calculator on your telephone or computer.  You may use 1 sheet of scratch paper.  You take your examination on our computer-based testing platform you access with web browser.  The testing platform ALSO captures video and audio of you, the examinee, for the entire session.  You are watched “live” by our VE team; however, the video/audio component is also recorded and is part of the testing record.

PROCTORS need a telephone with speaker capability.  Cellular telephones are best because it’s typically pretty easy to turn the “speaker” on and off.


Important Note on Proctors


While individuals not holding amateur radio licenses may be proctors, individuals with a Novice or Technician amateur class amateur radio license are NOT eligible to be proctors. If the potential proctor holds a General, Advanced or Amateur Extra class license, they can be proctors, but need to provide us with a signed copy of their OFFICIAL license.  This can be attached to the electronic proctor application.  Submitting a CSCE proving your class of license will NOT be accepted!  Please know that we do check the Universal Licensing System to see if a proctor applicant is also a licensed amateur.

Eligible Individuals to serve as a Proctor

  • Primary or Secondary Education Teachers

  • College or University Faculty or Adjunct Faculty

  • Sworn Law Enforcement Officers (Federal, State, or Local)

  • Fireman and emergency response personnel (personnel who respond to emergency situations, typically dispatched from a fire station…those who ride in fire trucks, ambulances, and similar response equipment)

  • Judges or Magistrates

  • Active Duty, Active Reserve, or Active National Guard Military Commissioned Officers, Warrant Officers and Senior NCOs (E7 – E9) (Retirees and inactive reserve are not authorized)

  • Civilian federal employees in the grade of GS-7 or above

  • Elected government officials such as mayors, city council members, city assembly members, senators, congressmen, etc.

  • State, municipal, city, borough, township, or other similar government subdivision employees in a management or supervisory position.

  • An amateur Extra, Advanced*, or General Class** license holders.  They must provide us with a signed copy of their OFFICIAL license.

      • Note * – May only proctor for Technician and General Class license examinations

      • Note ** – May only proctor for Technician Class license examinations


Further, proctors MAY NOT proctor examinations for his or her spouse, children, grandchildren, stepchildren, parents, grandparents, stepparents, brothers, sisters, stepbrothers, stepsisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and in-laws.

Exam sessions can only happen if we have enough Volunteer Examiners (VE’s). Any FCC Amateur Radio Operator license holder of General class or higher can apply to become a VE.

For exam integrity, we video record all of our in-person and online/remote exam sessions. The video recordings are stored on multiple 10TB 7200RPM external hard drives from Fantom Drives. Additional copies of the videos are also stored on DVD discs at an off-site location for redundancy.

All video recordings and exam session files are stored for 10 years so that they are accessible for possible FCC audits of our exam sessions in the future.

Screenshot 2022-05-29 at 17-23-48 Fantom Drives 10TB External Hard Drive HDD GFORCE 3 Pro

© 2022 Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators, Inc. 

Phone: 1-808-800-4387      Fax: 1-808-400-8046

FEIN:  88-1206099

Hawaii Emergency Radio Operators is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization

and is registered with the Hawaii Attorney General as a public charity for fundraising.


Website Designed and Maintained by WH6FQE

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